
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Day in the Life book series

When I was a little kid, I used to wear a blue towel tucked into my shirt collar like it was a cape. I didn want to be Superman. In my 4 year old brain, I already was Superman. Before we go too much farther, we should discuss how electromagnets differ from your run of the mill "permanent" magnets, like the ones holding your Popsicle art to the fridge. As you know, magnets have two poles, "north" and "south," and attract things made of steel, iron or some combination thereof. Like poles repel and opposites attract (ah, the intersection of romance and physics). cheap nfl jerseys GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, JANUARY 11, 2011 : George Heartwell, Mayor of Grand Rapids with Sharon Evoy, inaugurate the ice chess set. RANDY FINCH with JOVANNAH NICHOLSON, DEREK MAXFIELD,CHOPS, DEREK "FOLTZ" and SUSAN WALTERS are setting up the Ice chess pieces on the giant ice chessboard. ICE BRIGADE follows former chef Randy Finch and his team of renegade ice artists as the